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3 Tips | Setting up your Work from Home (WFH) Environment the Right Way

3 min

HR-Know-how aus der Praxis für die Praxis


Work from Home (WFH) has become the new norm for office workers worldwide. Initially, we thought it might just be a temporary situation until COVID passed and life returned to normal. However, fast forward 15 months since the first lockdowns in Europe, it is apparent that remote meetings are not going away any time soon. Instead, it appears they could be here to stay.

It is time to get serious about our WFH environment, and here are some tips for doing just that.

Autor: Mark Heather (MHC Business Language Training)


Setup for your perfect Work from Home Environment


You know how dark photos look when the camera is facing the sun? That’s also what people see when the light is shining from behind you into the webcam. So make sure the light is shining onto you from behind the webcam. Then, people will see you much better.

However, much like photography, too much light is equally undesirable, as you will look over-exposed and too bright. Therefore, you may need to adjust the curtains or, even better, invest around €20 on a small desk ring-light that allows you to set the brightness levels yourself.

Audio and Camera

Did you know that a €15 external webcam will give you a considerably better picture than the typical camera you get on most €1.500+ laptops and computers? And that the difference in audio quality between a laptop’s internal mic and a €25 external microphone is even more apparent?

If you are willing to spend more than €1,000 on a computer, investing an additional €40-50 on a superior camera and microphone is wise. When people hear and see you better, you make more impact and communicate your ideas more easily.


When we meet people in person, we instinctively stand a certain distance away from them that feels most comfortable for both parties. That space may increase or decrease depending on cultural norms or your relationship. The more intimate the relationship, the closer we stand to each other. That is known as the law of proxemics, and it also exists when talking to people virtually online.

For example, if you sit too close to the camera, the other person can feel you are invading their personal space.  On the other hand, sitting too far away will make you feel less connected make it more formal. Aim that your audience can see your face, shoulders and upper body quite easily with some space around you and enough room that any hand gestures are visible. That is known as the Medium Close-Up (MCU) shot.


Mark Heather, MHC3 Tips | Setting up your Work from Home (WFH) Environment the Right Way

Mark Heather is owner and CEO at MHC Business Language Training, an institute based in Vienna and Bratislava. He is a communication and presentation skills trainer with an educational background in psychology and management. He gives courses and webinars to companies in Austria, the Diplomatic Academy and has previously lectured at the FH Wien. mark.heather@mhc-training.com I www.mhc-training.com







3 Tips | Setting up your Work from Home (WFH) Environment the Right Way




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