Global Hiring Trends heruntergebrochen auf die lokalen Märkte: wo werden wir in 5 Jahren stehen, worauf sollten wir bereits jetzt achten, welche Strategien können wir für uns selbst übernehmen, worin liegen Unterschiede zwischen den USA und Europa bzgl. der Mitarbeitenden?
Immer freue ich mich, wenn ich Personen mit breitem Erfahrungs-Background interviewen darf, so auch heute: Inna Landman ist HR Executive bei Workday.
This interview I held in English, and due do authenticity I keep it in this language.
Interview-Partnerin: Inna Landmann
Inna Landman ist HR Exec | People + Business Strategist bei Workday. Sie ist bei Workday seit 10 Jahren für HR zuständig, in unterschiedlichen Positionen und in verschiedenen Locations. Lange Zeit war sie für Workday in San Francisco tätig und arbeitet nun für das selbe Unternehmen in Paris.

Which hiring trends do you see for the next 5 years?
The recent hiring trends talk about the volume of applications increasing and the volume of roles decreasing. That leads to the recruiters needing to be more efficient. That means the recruiters need to be very clear concerning what they need and they need to be more efficient.
Growth companies will continue to hire, and the scarcity of talent however continues to exist. They can’t continue to hire externally. So, what I predict over the next few years is the internal ability of talent within a company. It will be crucial, how companies invest in the talent that they have. They do so through skills, gigs, placing people in different jobs. Because of the scarcity of talent, we need to look for them internally. We have to become more efficient with the resources we do have and then we have to think about reskilling and upskilling.
Babyboomers & retirement-wave
In Austria we see the problem of lots of Babyboomers moving into retirement within the next years. Internal recruiting won’t change the number of empty positions within the companies. And also reskilling won’t be an effective measure, simply because they won’t be in the company anymore.
I think that we have to find a different way to engage the baby boomer population. I think we have an amazing talent-pool within the baby boomers. They have skills, knowledge, history, and perspective. The question is: how do we continue to engage them in for example mentorship for the younger generation. And for knowledge transfer for the younger generation. When I talk to older people, they want to stay in the workforce, but perhaps not in the same 40-hours-a-week. They want to sort of give back to the younger generation. There could be different programs and pay structures, generally: different motivators for this population. Many people want to continue to stay involved.
Do you do it at Workday already?
We have been talking about how to engage this generation. We are a growth company, and we also have to think in this direction. But our employees typically are a little bit younger than baby boomers, so this is not an immediate problem for us.
US compared to Europe
What differences do you see in the employees in the US compared to Europe?
I am based Europe now for the last year and it has been a fascinating time. I think in general in the world employees relationship to work has changed post-pandemic. Regardless of if you are in the US or in Europe, I think you are craving for something more. You are craving for purpose, for a company that is aligned with your values. You want to be listened to.
I see more similarities between the US and Europe than I see differences. The thing about Europe – in my personal opinion – is that employees have very fulfilling lives: there is work, family, hobbies, friends and I think that we have to learn a little bit more about them. People want to contribute, and they want to offer things at work. But there is much more to life than work. Therefore, we need to talk about work-life-integration or -balance. I think in general, in the entire world it is important that companies think about how to engage people differently than we ever did before. No matter where people live.
What kind of employer does Workday want to be in 5 years?
Our values and culture have been incredibly important to us since the first days. Our founders very deeply believed that if you take care of your own employees, they will take care of the customers.
Since then we have grown a lot, but what has always been central to us is our culture. That is why we attract great people externally and that is why we keep people internally. So for me, in the next 5 years, we are going to continue to grow. We have a massive market opportunity outside of the US. We won’t grow at the expense of our culture. For us it is important that people feel to be part of something bigger.
Global Hiring Trends am Beispiel eines Global Players