Wenn künstliche Intelligenz (AI) ist ein Gamechanger für Unternehmen ist, sollten wir tunlichst mitspielen. Mondelez, Aliaxis und Siemens teilen ihre Erfahrungen.
Der Weg zur kompetenten AI-Nutzung ist komplex und voller Herausforderungen. Wie startet man diesen Weg am besten? Auf der Workday Rising EMEA in Amsterdam teilten Führungskräfte von Mondelez, Aliaxis und Siemens ihre Strategien und Erfahrungen: Wie gelingt der Einstieg in die AI-Nutzung? Welche Hürden gibt es? Und wie verändert Generative AI die Rahmenbedingungen?
Dabei wurde klar: Generative AI verändert die Spielregeln radikal, doch Erfolg erfordert mehr als nur technologische Tools. Es geht um mutige Entscheidungen, präzise Strategien und ein tiefes Verständnis für die echten Herausforderungen. Eine Podiumsdiskussion voller Erkenntnisse – inspirierend, praxisnah und zukunftsweisend.

Ausschnitte und eine Zusammenfassung aus der Podiumsdiskussion:
Volker Schrank (Vice President, Global employee Experience & HR Technology, Mondlez)
AI is a tool
AI isn’t new. I’m pretty sure even the companies that say we don’t do anything, they have AI somewhere in their products. I think by now you can’t get any product anymore without AI in it. But the pace has changed significantly and with the coming in of Gen AI, the opportunities have changed. What you can do, where you did not have solutions for challenges before, you suddenly have them.
This is also how we go about this: AI – or Gen AI, for us – it’s a tool. It’s another tool, another opportunity in the arsenal of different tools. And it brings very different solutions to the table that we were not able to do before, either because it’s too expensive or it is not sufficiently rule-based.
It needs more flexibility. So how we look at this is: how can we bring greater efficiency, greater effectiveness, and better experience to our employees? What are the factors, what are the challenges that are the most critical to our employees? Because in the end, we are a support function of a support function. Mondelez is about making and baking chocolate and cookies.
So how can we get the HR work as much simplified and automated as possible so that our colleagues can focus on what really matters? And this is where AI and GenAI is really helping us bringing new opportunities.
What’s the challenge?
What is the challenge? And is that challenge maybe solvable with the help of AI or Gen AI? We’re not saying “Use Gen AI! Throw it against the wall and see what fits.” I think these days are over. We were there in 2023, but these days are over. What is the challenge of our daily business? And is AI the hammer for the nail or do we need a screwdriver for the screw?
I am absolutely passionate about AI, but you cannot do AI only for using AI. It has to support your needs.
We also started with very deep AI education. We also have lots of design thinking training. That actually was more difficult than simply using AI. We give global webinars to our employees. For all our employees – for basic needs to very advanced.
If you roll out something in one country, it does not automatically work the same way in other regions. Its tricky to roll out something around the globe.
What does that mean for HR?
Our vision for HR at Mondelez is: we want to make HR more human again. We think about HR in multiple different layers: let’s automate everything that can be automated. Let’s make sure that that does not need human interaction anymore.
But moments that matter, these have to be done by people. And people have to have enough time for that.
What are the steps?
You have to have a good knowledge about what the company has and needs. Nothing can hide from AI. So first you have to get your data in order. Take care of legal and compliance. Get clear. If it takes you too long, your competitors will already be ahead of you.
The cost of waiting is higher than the company might expect.
The speed of Gen AI is developing – if you haven’t started using it, it’s going to be hard.

Pierre Ramery (Vice President, IT Global Business Solutions, Aliaxis)
Start now
If you start now, it’s still not too late. You simply have to start. Gen AI changes the game. For us, it’s the biggest challenge. If we look at our 16.000 employees, a big part is completely clueless concerning AI. We are doing very basic investments at the moment. We are launching the usual Copilot, etc.
I think it’s also a good starting point, because now is not good. So what we’re trying to do is educate our employees, making sure everybody understands what AI can do: what it can’t do, what it shouldn’t do. So this is the challenge for us.
We’ve been doing AI, traditional AI, for a long time. And Gen-AI changes the game. And not everybody understands it. And for us, it’s the biggest challenge. We’re looking for everybody to understand the use cases. But when we look at our 16,000 employees, some people have absolutely no clue. So that’s where the challenge is.
I am absolutely passionate about AI, but you cannot do AI only for using AI. It has to support your needs. We give global webinars to our employees. For all our employees – for basic needs to very advanced.

Tanya Schroeder (Global Head of People & Operations Digitalization, Siemens)
We started our AI-journey in 2018. We had to give the different parts of our company a one-stop- shop as a checkpoint at that point in time where they could ask for example job descriptions, etc. We gave them training classes about Copilot and gave them solutions to get better work experience, using AI. For example, in recruiting, we wanted to create a positive impact for the employees and also for the candidates.
In our company, there is a big expectation concerning AI. It takes a while until AI fits to all our processes. You have to try out, what works for your company. If you fail in one point, you have to look at the why and try again. AI has to fit to the process and to the people. Otherwise it won’t meet the possibilities that AI can do for you.
How to start the process of using AI in the company? Insights into Monelez & Siemens